Friday, May 25, 2012


So I mentioned Davy in my last post and some of you may not know Davy. So I thought I'd do a post about him.
This is Davy.

Hey Davy. You're lookin' cute behind that tree.

Davy is my boyfriend. We've been dating since September 2009. It's been a while.
We started dating when he was a sophmore and I was a senior. I know, for a girl to date a younger guy at that age, it's a big deal. Everybody is all like, "Isn't he really immature?" Yes, Davy, people ask me that. But I tell them what they don't expect.
Davy is a very mature guy.

It's true. Vey mature. Anyways, he's really smart. Like I said in my last post, he got a full ride to his college and was offered up the same deal at several other colleges. He's also made some moo-la off of scholarships. He's smart.

There are so many great things about Davy. He's a really relaxed guy. Like me, he loves to sit around watching movies and cuddling up a storm. In his free time, he likes to watch the Food Network and HGTV. His life goals are awesome. Getting a house with a lot of land, owning a million dogs, living temporarily in new places just for the experience, traveling. Many other little things.

Another thing about Davy: Music. Music music music. He loves it. He plays piano, drums, bass, a little guitar, and his main passion, trumpet. Oh man he is a fantastic trumpet player. That boy can play. Jazz is his way of expressing himself. Some people paint, some snap pictures, some write. Davy? He plays Jazz.

Davy is also a lover of God. He sneaks his Bible in class at high school, which is sort of crazy because I'm pretty sure that's not allowed. He knows how to make people feel really comfortable when he talks about God which is a really hard thing to do with such an uncomfortable subject for a lot of people.

Oh, and he's hilarious. He says and does the most funniest stuff. Here is a video of Davy parkouring from last summer:

Love ya, Davy!

Basically Davy is the greatest boyfriend ever. He looks really goofy in these videos, but Davy has a strong head on his shoulders. He's logical and has so much common sense.

Additionally, Davy is so incredibly sweet. Sometimes I can just loose it on him and he NEVER fires back. He has incredible patience with me. Davy is so good with my family as well. He loves to just sit around and talk with my mom and my dad and then crack jokes with the rest of my siblings. Family is big with him. His family is the best. He has two amazing, beautiful, God-loving sisters that are just on top of the world right now and they are just so lovely. His mom is so talented and makes the best food I've ever had. She makes me feel so comfortable and I absolutely love her. His dad is also crazy talented and jazzy, as well as goofy. They are just great.

So that's my boyfriend Davy. Jealous? :)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Change of plans!

Scrapping the Goals. Your probably like, "What?" That was what I was saying, too. This whole time that I haven't been posting things, I've been thinking of what sort of goals I want to have for myself. I've been trying to think of everyday, normal goals for people who aren't into God to relate to.  I wanted this blog to document my path in following Him and my ups and downs along the way, but I wanted to tack on other random things to get the rest of the world on board. I'll probably do that sometimes,

but I can't think about anything but God right now.

Part of me is annoyed and thinks, "Pump out some material that isn't preaching so that other people can relate to this blog, too." Then another part (a HUGE part) of me is like, "I just love God. All I want to do is tell people. It's all I want people to know."

So, that whole goal thing... nah. Not feeling it at this present time. Believe me, I want to learn piano and a new language, but there is too much going on this summer. Some of you may have seen my Facebook status that Davy and I are going on a trip to L.A in June, and we are :)

I'm so stoked. There is a christian organization called "Youth With A Mission (YWAM)" and they have schools all over the world. They have a decipleship training school that consists of 3 months of lecture and 3 months of outreach. I really wanted to do this program, but Davy has a full ride of college waiting for him this fall (which is a humongous blessing that will make married life easier for us) so we can't just leave for six months. However, YWAM came up with a new program this summer called "Circuit Riders," which is only 2 weeks of intense lecture. Basically, the lecture will consist of learning how to have a more intimate relationship with God and how to be a confident christian when preaching and living out His will.
So Davy and I applied.
We were accepted. We purchased the plane tickets. We are going to L.A. We are going to learn about God in a completely different way than we ever have. We are so excited... I can't even explain it.

I'll learn the piano later. There are way better stuff to document right now. I'm going to leave you with 2 things.

Number 1: This is Jessica Hover. She lives in L.A and works for YWAM. She is A-MAZING. Everything that she says is lovely. I cannot wait to see her again. Read everything on her blog! Also, she is gorgeous.

Number 2:

This is a video from Tenth Avenue North's singer, Mike Donehey. Who is also a-mazing. It's only 4 minutes long and he's funny, too! I love that he points out that all we are is "the deciple Jesus loves." I don't have to define myself in my accomplishments or those goals that I set for myself. I am the deciple Jesus loves and that is that. It's awesome.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Goals! Part 1

So basically, this summer is going to be insanely awesome. God has so many things in store. I can feel it. Plus, I have many things in store for myself. So, I’m going get real with you guys and tell you those things I have in store for myself. My summer goals, people J
 I have quite a list, so I’m going to explain in a series of posts because, honestly, I keep adding to the list. We’ll see how unsuccessful I am!

Here’s the thing about this goal: I have a really nice keyboard. Do you think I use it? Nope.

My senior year of high school, I had an obsession with any song with a great piano part in it. For those of you who don’t know me too well, I was a tenor saxophone player in my high school band. It was an awesome sax because it was covered in black lacquer. Yeah, I  was that cool.
Anyways, the point is: I knew how to read music, but I was really tired of the saxophone. I wanted to learn a new instrument that, quite frankly, sounded better than a sax. If you aren’t a fantastic saxophone player, some pretty obnoxious noises find their way out of that horn. And to add to my decision of a new instrument, I have a liking (or loving… maybe obsession) toward strings. Orchestrated soundtracks are my favorite thing to listen to. There are so many styles that come with a soundtrack. Maybe a romantic feel with pleasant, cheeky notes. Or a powerful, exciting beat - perfect music for cleaning and cooking. Because, you know, you need power for that kind of stuff.

Some soundtracks have cool cultural influences, like Indian music with a sitar or French music with an accordion. I love it all. My imagination runs wild with every note.

ANYWAYS. Strings. They obviously call to me, so I decided a piano will have to be my graduation gift.

So I got one. Two years of having it, and guess what I know…

Two scales. Ugh. Sad. Pathetic.

I still adore the music that comes from a piano. And I will be learning to make that music. Starting this summer. 12 Scales, people!

Which language, I have not figured out yet, but I’m doin’ it.
I know a very tiny amount of German, but I’ve got my older brother that knows German, so I need something different. I’d like to stick with a European language, though. Currently I am leaning toward French. I really want to travel to France so perhaps that language would be most practical for me.

But Russian sounds like, ridiculously awesome, doesn’t it?

Gah. Pre-Goal to Goal No. 2- Pick a freaking language.

I’ll leave you with a youtube video of the song that started my pathetic Piano Movement!

Yes, it is only 48 seconds. I know, when I heard it the first time, I cried and wanted to hear more too.