God has been working mightily in the fashion industry. It's cool to see how much He actually loves it.
During fashion week, they set up tents at Lincoln Center. There are guards that stand out in front and check your cridentials to get in. Some shows don't require much. There was one show, however, that was turning away people that weren't on the list. My friends were determined to get into that one.
People start stepping aside, unable to gain acess. My friends get closer to the guard with the list. When it's their turn to explain their cridentials, the securtiy guard turns his back on them.
They walked right in.
It's like when God said Moses would be rescuing the people from Pharoah and Moses was like, "Yo, God... I can't. I'm trippin' with a studder. I can't speak boldy. The people are goin down if you think I am meant for this," and God says, "Bro, I've handpicked you. If you put your fears behind you, you're going to be so rad. Holla at a savior" (Exodus 4:10-12 LUV [Lauren's Urban Version]). God gave my friends exactly what they needed to get into that show. Because in that tent, they were able to share good news and be a calm spirit in an atmosphere full of judgement, status, and pressure.
My beautiful friend Jessica made this picture for her blog. She has a post about what a dresser's day is like. She's super encouraging! Here's some photos of us:
The cute girl in the middle is my new friend Shannon! I love her :)
We loved those little cupcakes :)
All the dressers!
Heres some pictures of the show I had the most fun at:
The show was called "the blonds."
These are the designers. The one on the right is a man named Philip. I know. He makes a pretty lady.
These were people in the audience... so crazy!
Carmen Electra was at the show! ...although I've not really seen any of her movies so I didn't think too much of seeing her.
It's a perfect place to care for people and show them love when they would never expect it. By the way, I'll probably be leaving for Los Angeles in March for LA Fashion week.
God is wild.
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